The Department of Social Work in collaboration with ‘PATH’ organized a community visit to observe ‘World Day of Social Justice-2024’. A group of 23 students from department of Social Work, Humanities and Social Sciences, and English along with four faculties members, two resource persons from PATH, and a field work coordinator from the Department of Social work observed and tried to understand prevalent social injustices at Vallabh Nagar-2, Bhopal. They visited Vallabh Nagar and interacted with the community members about social injustices in the community. Issues of basic services, social amenities, housing, safety & securities, internal connectivity and mobility were main issues shared by the community. Students tried to understand dynamic nature of injustices and its long-sustained roots in the society. After the community visit, students shared their ideas on how to improve community’s socio-economic status.
22 JAN | Symposium on Stories Untold |