Email : Telephone : +91 (0755) 2457283, 2923039
Accredited with A+ Grade by NAAC in 4th Cycle
Affiliated to Barkatullah University, Bhopal

BSSS ranked among the best 10 colleges in the country in India Today's MDRA ranking

The Department of Social Work of the The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, is ranked 9th among the "Top 10 Emerging Colleges" in India in India Today's MDRA survey.

Marketing and Development Research Associates (MDRA) is a leading marketing research and consulting organization in India that conducts surveys on quantitative and qualitative research.

In today's competitive and dynamic environment, where a large number of courses and new institutions have emerged during the last few years, BSSS has made its excellent position at the national level.

College Principal Dr. Father John PJ, on behalf of the management, credited this achievement to the Department of Social Work and the BSSS family. He congratulated them and said that we never compromise on quality. Discipline and innovation are our identity. Our alumni are working in high positions all over the world and are waving the victory flag.

Academic Head Father Jomi, while describing the golden past as glorious, talked about taking strong steps for a golden future in the current competitive times.

News Posts - April, 2025